Arts Council Announces Call for Teaching Artists
Artists-in-Residence Applications due Sept. 9, 2015
LANSING, Mich., Aug. 28, 2015 –The Arts Council of Greater Lansing is proud to announce its open call for Lansing-area teaching artists. The Arts Council is seeking artists interested in participating in its Young Creatives Artists-in-Residence program. This new component of the Arts Council’s Young Creatives Program was designed as a resource to support funding of teaching artists in Lansing School District elementary classrooms and was funded in part by a grant from the Lansing Rotary Foundation.
Arts Council Executive Director, Deborah E. Mikula says the program is a natural extension of the Young Creatives Program, allowing the Arts Council to connect its artist members with classroom teachers to encourage arts integration and strengthen arts education. “We are very excited to be launching this program,” says Mikula. “It is so important that the arts are part of a child’s education. All the statistics point to greater success in subjects like math and science when the arts are part of that learning.”
Mila Theroux, program coordinator, will collect resumes and schedule artists for auditions for the program. “We will be looking for artists who express a genuine passion for teaching young children,” says Theroux. She noted that applicants should also be prepared to speak to their pedagogy in relation to current findings around learning and arts education. “It’s important that teaching artists are able to create a curriculum that builds on the work the classroom teacher is presenting,” said Theroux. “That’s what arts integration is all about.”
The Arts Council’s goal is to identify 6 – 8 teaching artists in the areas of dance, music, visual art and theatre. Applicants must be Arts Council members and professional artists with expertise in one or more arts disciplines who have previously worked with children and teachers in educational settings. Once artists are chosen, an Artist Roster will be posted to the Arts Council’s website, allowing elementary teachers to select an artist to meet their needs. Teachers will then apply for funding through the Arts Council.
For more information regarding the Artists-in-Residence Program, visit the Arts Council’s website at www.www.lansingarts.org or email Mila Theroux at Mila@www.lansingarts.org.
Founded in 1965, the Arts Council of Greater Lansing exists to support, strengthen and promote art, culture and creativity in the capital region. For more information, visit www.www.lansingarts.org.