In May, 2023, equipped with her photography certificate and an unwavering passion for the arts, Anissa embarked on a transformative odyssey from the captivating landscapes of North Africa to the United States. Her journey has been characterized by complete immersion in the arts and the vibrant artistic community. She has wholeheartedly devoted herself to volunteering and collaborating with a diverse range of artistic organizations, actively shaping and influencing the ever-evolving creative tapestry. Raised in a flourishing artistic enclave, Anissa underwent a deliberate transition, opting to give back and serve the Lansing community. This determination led Anissa to her role as an AmeriCorps member with the Arts Council. In her position, she works as a liaison and support person to local artists, arts and cultural organizations and the community at large. An avid photographer, Anissa loves spending time in her darkroom experimenting with historic photographic techniques. As an avid nature enthusiast, she enjoys venturing into the lush Michigan forests where she finds both inspiration and solace that nurtures her creative spirit and fosters her ever-deepening connection with the natural world.
Favorite Art Forms: Photography, film and music