
Sense of Place Grantees Awarded–Area Organizations Recognized for Creating Place in Lansing

Sense of Place Grantees Awarded
Area Organizations Recognized for Creating Place in Lansing

There is a lot of talent in the capital region. We are an area rich in creativity where communities of creatives abound, and as a result, so do creative ideas. The Arts Council is proud to be supporters, promoters and advocates of all the great work and collaborative projects that are being produced. 

Recently, the Arts Council, along with Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP), shared in the honor of publicly introducing the five Sense of Place grantees and presenting the City of Lansing’s Sense of Place Arts and Culture grant awards. The awards, ranging from $5,000 – $75,000 were granted to City of Lansing organizations who, as part of the granting process, presented projects that would best create community around the arts and culture in the City of Lansing.

Supporting the arts

The revitalization of Lansing and the tri-counties has been largely connected to the arts and culture, and in order for that growth to continue, we need to keep supporting arts projects and collaborations as well as entrepreneurial ventures that add vibrancy to our cities and our neighborhoods.

Sense of pride and place

Placemaking and sense of place are important because they take these things—food, art, music, performance, even exercise and bring them to people, creating places with meaning where people organically gather. And when they gather in these places they feel good. They feel like they are part of something bigger, and that “something” gives them a sense of pride, a sense of belonging, a sense of place.

Congrats and well done! 

The Arts Council was proud to participate in the recent press event held at the LEAP building and present awards to the grantees whose innovative projects will creatively enhance the arts and cultural fabric of Lansing through their creative placemaking initiatives. We congratulate Lansing Art GalleryMichigan Energy OptionsR. E. Olds Transportation MuseumLansing Symphony Orchestra and Old Town Commercial Association for their contributions, passion and dedication to the Lansing region and the arts and culture. 

Photo: The R.E. Olds Museum Community Heart Mural Project L- Artist, Tony Hendrick, R- Museum Director, Bill Adcock. Photo Credit: Sara Graham, LEAP