How to Raise the Money You Need to Fund the Work You Love!
Local artists and arts organizations, this is THE opportunity for you!
Individuals account for almost 85% of all money given to arts and culture organizations from non-government sources. Clearly, building a broad base of individual donors is the best way to insure stability, allow growth and guarantee independence. And the best way to raise money from people who give it away is to ask for it.
Fundraising in perspective
Many staff, boards and volunteers find the process of fundraising extremely difficult and frustrating, so what is a nonprofit to do? Join us as Kim Klein, internationally known trainer, speaker and author, leads us through our fears, confronts our fundraising myths and puts fundraising in perspective.
Raise more money!
Kim knows that when organizations build fundraising into the rest of their work, they will experience the joy of having donors who love them, of having reliable income streams and of being able, with the same amount of work year after year, to raise more money.
Bringing the FUN
Kim is known for her ability to deliver information in a practical, down-to-earth and humorous way, so you won’t want to miss this FUN workshop to discover how your organization could raise the money you need to fund the work you love!
In this fast paced and exciting workshop you will:
Learn how to build a team of people who will help you with fundraising
Feel more comfortable asking for money in person
Know how to identify prospective donors so you use your limited time with those most likely to give
Leave with a plan, or at least the next steps you need to take, to build your fundraising program.
Event Details
When: Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2014
Registration & Breakfast: 9 – 9:30 a.m.
Workshop: 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Lunch & breaks included)
Where: The University Club of MSU — 3435 Forest Rd., Lansing, Mich.
Registration Fee: $45 for Arts Council members — $55 for non-members, $15 off each additional attendee
What: Registration fee includes breakfast and refreshments upon arrival, full-day workshop with internationally known trainer, Kim Klein, lunch presented by the University Club of Michigan State University, and the opportunity to meet and network with other workshop attendees.
Register Now!

This event is sponsored by The James B. Henry Center for Executive Development and the Michigan Council for Arts & Cutural Affairs (MCACA). “