Exhibit Wall Exhibitions are Here
We recently announced a call to artists for an opportunity to have their art on our Exhibit Wall at the Arts Council. This opportunity is open to our dues-paying members and offers our visual artists the chance to curate a small exhibit of their work to be on display at the Arts Council and available to the public during open office hours.
Meet the Artists
We are pleased to announce the exhibiting artists for the remainder of 2024. Congratulations go out to Tod Parkhill, Hilary McDonald, Cindy Souders and Elyse Gambino. The artist exhibition dates and the open receptions are listed below. In addition to these dates, the Arts Council’s “In Process” exhibition will be displayed during Arts Night Out on Aug. 16, and Oct. 11, 2024.
Can’t Wait to See You
We look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming Arts Night Out events in Old Town and at the artist opening receptions, where you can talk to the artists about their art and process. Keep an eye out for individual email announcements for details on the upcoming Artist Wall exhibitions. Also, artist members, stay tuned as we will be making a call for 2025 artists at the end of the year, and we want to hear from you. If you have any questions about the exhibit wall or about being an Arts Council member, please contact Anissa Ben Jaballah at anissa@lansingarts.org.
Mark Your Calendars
Below are the dates and times for the 2024 artist exhibitions at the Arts Council office at 1208 Turner in Old Town Lansing.
Tod Parkhill: July Exhibition, opening reception, Friday, July 12, 5-8 p.m.
“In Process:” Aug. 5, Exhibition, Arts Night Out, Old Town Lansing, 5-8 p.m.
Hilary McDonald: September Exhibition, opening reception, Friday, Sept. 6, 5-8 p.m.
“In Process:” Oct. 11, Exhibition, Arts Night Out, Old Town Lansing, 5-8 p.m.
Cindy Souders: November Exhibition, opening reception, Friday, Nov. 8, 5-8 p.m.
Elyse Gambino: December Exhibition, opening reception, Friday, Dec. 6, 5-8 p.m.