Ingham County Hotel/Motel Funds
Grant Application and Workshop Available

The Arts Council of Greater Lansing is pleased to announce a grant opportunity for non-profit organizations located in Ingham County.
The Ingham County Hotel/Motel Funds for Arts and Tourism application is open from now through Feb. 2, 2015.
Boosting tourism artistically
Non-profit organizations may apply for funding to assist in producing publicity and promotional materials which will attract out-of-county visitors into the Ingham County region for cultural, educational, artistic, historical or entertainment purposes.
Free workshop
We are excited to announce that the application process has been moved online this year, making for a much simpler application procedure. A free workshop for potential applicants will be held on Thursday, Dec. 18 from 3 – 4 p.m. to provide information and tips. Additionally, Lori Lanspeary from the Greater Lansing Convention and Visitors Bureau will speak on the importance of tourism in Lansing and its role in providing grant funds.
For further information or questions, contact Josh Holliday at josh@www.lansingarts.org or 517-853-7582. If you are interested in attending the workshop please register here!