Arts Council of Greater Lansing Announces 2019 Grant Recipients: More Than $142,000 Awarded to 28 Lansing Area Grantees
LANSING, Mich.—The Arts Council of Greater Lansing proudly announces grant funding totaling more than $142,000 to be distributed to area artists and arts organizations in the Capital region. This funding is provided through the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA) Minigrant Program and Ingham County Hotel/Motel Funds for Arts and Tourism and supports the creative growth of our Lansing communities.
Financial awards were announced at the Arts Council’s spring grant ceremony and press event held earlier today at Impression 5 Science Center on Museum Drive. Grantees and their projects were presented by Arts Council executive director, Deborah E. Mikula and program manager, Meghan Martin with honorary guests, Tracy Padot of the Greater Lansing Convention and Visitors Bureau and Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs Jeff Garrett and Jackie LillisWarwick.
The grants support the following: implementation of local art projects, resources for attendance at conferences and classes and promotion of Greater Lansing’s cultural activities to outlying areas through creative marketing efforts.
“The Arts Council is so proud to administer these grants to the awardees each year,” said Deborah E. Mikula, Arts Council executive director. “These funds help to support our Greater Lansing artists and arts organizations in doing their work and growing their businesses and organizations. Through their creative endeavors, our communities flourish and become more vibrant, which brings focus not only to the talent in the region, but to our city as a whole, which promotes economic success.”
Grants were awarded through each of the following program initiatives:
MCACA Minigrant (Round 2) funding totaling $13,261 for 2019 was awarded to the following nine recipients:
Crystal Gause ; Green Bow Music; Lansing Symphony Orchestra; Michigan Institute of Contemporary Art (MICA); Bath Charter Township; Communities In Schools of Michigan; DreamWorld Studios for the Arts; Holt Community Arts Council and Lansing 5:01.
Ingham County Hotel/Motel Funds for Arts and Tourism funding totaling $129,035.08 for 2019 was awarded to the following 19 arts and cultural organizations:
All of the Above Hip Hop Academy; All-of-us Express Children’s Theatre (AECT); Capital City Film Festival (CCFF); Center Park Productions; City of East Lansing; Downtown Lansing Inc.; East Lansing Art Festival; East Lansing Film Festival; Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University; Happendance, Inc.; Impression 5 Science Center; Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center; Lansing Symphony Orchestra; Old Town Commercial Association; R.E. Olds Transportation Museum; REO Town Commercial Association; The Cracked Pot Studio Tour; Wharton Center for Performing Arts; Williamston Theatre For further information and detailed descriptions regarding the grant programs, please find information attached or contact Meghan Martin, program manager at (517) 853-7582 or meghan@www.lansingarts.org.