A Few Words From Debbie
Portrait of an Artist

If it weren’t for those individuals that exude creativity and artistic talent wherever they go, our organization would have little reason to exist. Many of our artist members have come to us as fledgling artists who didn’t know where to begin, had no portfolio and knew nothing about marketing themselves, and many of them have grown tremendously in our membership. We have helped emerging artists find their confidence and their wings, and for that we know we are meeting our mission.
As an organization, we represent a diverse group of individuals—we are not a “high” art organization. Instead we represent those seeking high cultural merit, and we welcome all artists into our membership, whether emerging or with years of experience. As my friend Janet Brown (who leads Grantmakers in the Arts) often states, “All art has an element of excellence as long as it is authentic to a people and place.” There are some amazing artists working within our boundaries and all of them bring their own authenticity and uniqueness to our greater Lansing landscape.
And I know that our artists are truly grateful for the work that the Arts Council produces on their behalf. Many of them are now connected directly to our monthly Arts Night Out as featured artists—they attend our Creative Mixers to network—they flock to our smARTS workshops to absorb knowledge and wisdom—they support each other at our gallery exhibit openings and at other events throughout the community. Many have been asked to donate an artwork to our cause, and they have stepped forward when they can. We are proud to represent them and call them family. Look around you…art is everywhere, and on a daily basis—morning, noon and late into the night, our artists are at work helping to bring creativity to the forefront of our community .If you aren’t already an artist member, we hope you will join us. The Arts Council is here to help you lay a strong foundation for your creative talents.
Deborah E. Mikula
Executive Director