
A Few Words From Debbie-From the Desk of the Executive Director

A Few Words From Debbie
From the Desk of the Executive Director

Serving on boards or committees is a way to show an organization how much they mean to you and your commitment to their cause. The knowledge and expertise that is shared by those individuals is the reason many organizations thrive. As many of you know, our new strategic plan was adopted at the end of last year, and with it, a revamp of our committee structure to more closely align with that document. We are looking for individuals to help set a vision for each of our newly formed committees, and we are asking you to step forward.We hope you will consider joining us and share your knowledge and expertise by adding your voice in 2015 to one (or more) of the following commitees:


Support the needs of the smARTS program as necessary. Assist in advancing and promoting any other relevant educational experience, activity, and/or program aligned with serving the Arts Council artists and arts organizations.


Support the development of partnerships and collaborative relationships that position arts and culture as integral to developing creative communities.  Work to build strong alliances with municipal leaders, economic development, schools, CVB, commercial associations, etc. Assist in incorporating the Cultural Economic Development plan into overall work of the Arts Council and bring focus to placemaking initiatives in the tri-counties including public art, art walks, etc.


Support the needs of the grant giving programs including the Young Creative Scholarships, the Individual Artists Grants and the Chris Clark Fellowships.  Help plan and execute the fundraising events (Holiday Glitter and A Taste of Art & Life) and award programs of the Arts Council.


The Arts Council is a regional leader for arts advocacy and works actively at the local, state, and national levels to assist constituents in voicing important issues regarding arts education, cultural economic development, cultural tourism and cultural issues. Assist in defining statements, making contacts locally and statewide to address issues of importance to our arts and cultural community.

50th Anniversary

CommitteeHelp plan the year-long celebration from January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. If you are interested in a place at the table (members, patrons, community members, etc.) and would like to become more involved, please email me at and let me know which of the following committees you are interested in. We have board members already identified to serve on each of the committees and they are waiting for you to join them and help guide the direction of the Arts Council.   I look forward to hearing from you!

Deborah E. Mikula

Executive Director