Call to Artists #LoveLansing Billboard Project
Show us what you love about Lansing! Create a #LoveLansing original art work and see it on a billboard! Adams Outdoor Advertising and the Arts Council of Greater Lansing love the arts, and of course, we love Lansing! Together we want to help you share your #LoveLansing enthusiasm and community pride! So we have partnered on an exciting project that will produce up to 40 billboards this fall. We are pleased to announce the Greater Lansing #LoveLansing Billboard Project!
The project invites any Greater Lansing resident– people of all ages, backgrounds and artistic abilities–to submit art work that centers on the #LoveLansing hashtag. No fee is required for application or participation.
Application and Format
To apply, you must upload your submission on Slideroom (https://lansingarts.slideroom.com) by 11:59, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017. Please note that Slideroom requires you to create a profile in order to submit.
Submission must include:
- All personal info as requested by Slideroom Application
- Up to Two (2) 300 dpi JPG images in CMYK color mode
- Images must feature the #LoveLansing hashtag (both upper-case “L”) as a prominent focus of the art (see graphic below)
- Specs for submission are 11.167″ wide by 5.207″ high (See graphic below)
Creative may be done in the medium, color and style of the artist’s choice and should be original work that best translates to billboard format. No self-images, promotional or commercial advertisement images will be considered. Artwork must be suitable for public space and not contain nude or profane images.
Once submitted, the art works will go before a panel for selection, and Adams will turn the chosen pieces into 10 ft. x 30 ft. billboards to be placed around the city when space is available. A white bar will be added to the bottom of the final creative so that Adams can add logos, artist’s name and possibly a client logo, should any area businesses want to sponsor this community outreach effort.
Please Note
Adams will gain consent from the artist for permission of reproduction, i.e. outdoor advertising, print, web or social media. Any reproduction that shall occur will also include the reproduction of the artist’s name and affiliation with the Arts Council of Greater Lansing and Adams Outdoor Advertising. Adams Outdoor Advertising reserves the right to adjust images to fit billboards if necessary. For more information, contact Dawn Gorman, Arts Council communications manager at dawn@www.lansingarts.org We look forward to seeing your #LoveLansing art works!
Tentative Schedule
Aug. 2 – Call to artists/project announcement
Aug. 27 – Deadline to submit work
Aug. 29 – Panel meets to choose artworks
Aug. 31 – Winners are notified and contracts are emailed
Sept. 4 – Signed contracts due to Adams
Sept. 11 – Production begins at Adams
Oct. 1 – Billboard installation begins in and around Lansing