Attention Arts Council Artists: Call for Art!
Spring has sprung! It’s that time of year when the Arts Council holds its annual spring event, and there is some magic-making going on!
Not your typical garden variety
Get ready for Garden Faire – an evening in the beautiful Cooley Gardens, including live music, wines, craft beers, signature cocktails and delectable eats on Friday, June 2, 2017. The magic begins at 6 p.m., with an early-evening garden affair of networking and art buying. Then at 8 p.m., the music picks up, the garden lights up, the volume pumps up and more guests, (and food) arrive for a garden party of a different kind—with the goods all flowing until 11:00 p.m.
Wait there’s more!
There will be lots of art, including a unique, “art experiences” raffle; a garden sculpture sale, featuring works by Craig Mitchell Smith, Ivan Iler, Mark Chatterley, Timothy Higgins, Michael Magnotta and others; and…art by you!
That’s right—we want to feature one piece of art (any medium, valued at $50, no more, no less) that you create and donate to the Arts Council, and in exchange, you get complimentary Garden Faire entry. Our garden wonderland theme should inspire you and your donation of art will support different aspects of the Arts Council’s work; for example, sale of your piece may support our arts education program, placemaking initiatives, professional development or promotions. We’ll let the buyer of your art determine what specific programs they want to impact.
Plant some seeds!
We hope you will participate in this opportunity that benefits you and the Arts Council! We can’t wait to hear from you and have you join us at the inaugural Garden Faire! It is going to be such a cool event, one not to miss, and we want our artists there to help us celebrate! Participation deadline is Friday, April 21. Please email with your interest and include a jpeg of your work so we can start our promotional campaign and put you on the guest list. Your art must be at the garden by 2 p.m. June 2. (We will email display details in early May.)
Thank you for your time, and we’ll see you in the garden!
Photo courtesy of https___leifeshallcross.com_