LANSING, MICH. — The National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Mary Anne Carter has approved more
than $84 million in grants as part of the Arts Endowment’s second major funding announcement for
fiscal year 2020. Included in this announcement is an Art Works grant of $10,000 to the Arts Council
of Greater Lansing for the 2020 Creative Placemaking Summit. This is one of 1,015 grants nationwide
that the agency has approved in this category.
“These awards demonstrate the resilience of the arts in America, showcasing not only the creativity
of their arts projects but the organizations’ agility in the face of a national health crisis,” said Mary
Anne Carter, chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. “We celebrate organizations like the
Arts Council of Greater Lansing for providing opportunities for learning and engagement through the
arts in these times.”
The Arts Council’s Creative Placemaking Summit is held annually and provides a platform for learning
and creative exchange around placemaking and the arts, and NEA funding has been important to the
events continued growth and success.
“We are so honored and grateful to receive an Art Works grant from the NEA again this year,” said
Arts Council executive director, Meghan Martin. “Our annual Creative Placemaking Summit has
become a seminal event in regard to building connections through placemaking. It serves as a catalyst
for sparking creative ideas around community building and sense of place through the arts. As we
transition out of quarantines and resume activities once again, creative placemaking will play an
important role in rebooting our region’s tourism and creative economy,” Martin said. “The Summit
will provide the perfect opportunity for exploring what that will look like.”
Creative Placemaking Summit 6 is set to take place in October 2020. As social distancing efforts
remain a concern across the world, the Arts Council is committed to creating an educational
Placemaking experience that is exciting, creative and innovative and keeps safety at the forefront for
its staff and attendees. The event planning process is underway, and the Arts Council will be making
announcements regarding details as they unfold.
To learn more about the Creative Placemaking Summit go to Lansingplacemakers.org and follow
#lansingplacemakers. For more information on this National Endowment for the Arts grant announcement, visit