
Arts Council Membership — It’s where magic happens

Arts Council Membership
It’s where magic happens!

January is such an exciting time of year, as it kicks off our new membership season! It’s a time of reaching out to old friends and making new, and that’s what makes our organization and our arts community strong. 

Making connections

Our 2015 membership includes a few additional perks and categories as well as a lot of opportunities for growing your business or organization management skills. By joining we know you will make lots of connections and become a part of the bigger arts picture.

Growing opportunities

We are continually advancing service offerings and growing the caliber of our smARTS presentations and networking events, including offering advanced workshops with nationally known experts. We can help you make connections and find resources, which is important for artists, arts organizations and supporters, as it opens doors for opportunities, collaborations, projects and more.

Your Arts Council membership provides us with the support and strength we need to advocate for the arts in our community and to advocate for you! We also provide personal consultations on a variety of topics to help you with your arts business and lots of financial opportunities as well.

Join or renew today!

If you are already a member, we hope you will take this opportunity to renew, and please, spread the word to your friends and family members. If membership doesn’t meet your needs, there are many other ways to donate and support! Come join the Arts Council!