Arts Council Declares Arts Advocacy Month in LansingLocal Advocates to Speak at Area Meetings in Support of the Arts
LANSING, Mich., March 2, 2017 — There is a wealth of information and countless studies telling us all about the importance of the arts in education, community building, economic development and even health and wellbeing; however, using the arts to creatively address challenges in those areas often get overlooked.
In an effort to bring arts awareness to Greater Lansing area communities, the Arts Council of Greater Lansing has declared March “Arts Advocacy Month,” to create an advocacy platform that allows us to advocate for the arts at the local level. During the entire month of March, area arts advocates as part of the Arts Council’s “Arts Matter Lansing” project, will go out into our region and speak to local municipalities, school boards and other area leaders about the impact the arts has on Greater Lansing’s economy, schools and communities.
The four areas of focus include: the economy, cultural tourism, education and vibrant communities. “‘Arts Matter Lansing’ is an opportunity for us to speak to our community leaders and build relationships,” said Deborah E. Mikula, Arts Council executive director. “It is imperative, especially when the arts are being threatened at the national level, for us to share the importance of the arts in building stronger communities and economies, and to remind area leaders that vibrant and thriving communities and schools start with the arts.”
“Arts Matter Lansing” was coordinated and organized by the Arts Council’s advocacy committee and arts advocacy intern, Jessica Carter, who has cataloged all of the open meetings in the Greater Lansing area and has signed up more than 30 area residents, business leaders, artists and others to speak out in support of the arts.
If you are interested in speaking out for the arts in your community, contact Jessica at advocacyinternacgl@gmail.com by March 15, 2017, and she will provide you with an informational packet and help you find a meeting to attend.