Arts Council Announces Funding ChangesChris Clark Fellowship and Individual Grant get a new look

After much debate and contemplation, followed by meetings with artist focus groups and Arts Council committees, the Arts Council is pleased to announce exciting changes to its Individual Artist Grant and Chris Clark Fellowship. These grants, which are available to Arts Council members, now have new deadlines, expanded funding capabilities and other increased opportunities.
Chris Clark Fellowships
In order to provide grant and fellowship applicants an opportunity for increased funding dollars, the Arts Council will now offer these programs on alternating years, beginning in 2015 with the Chris Clark Fellowship. The Chris Clark Fellowship will now grant $13,000 in funds biannually compared to $6,500 per year, allowing us the opportunity to fund more artists and arts organizations each grant cycle. The Chris Clark Fellowship application becomes available on April 1, 2015 with applications due on July 15, 2015. Funded dollars must be used between Oct. 1, 2015 and Sept. 30, 2016.
Individual Artist Grants
The Individual Artist Grant, which funds an artist/community collaborative project, is undergoing some additional modifications with a goal of improving the applicant process. The new application will also reflect the goals of the Council’s newly implemented strategic plan. The Individual Artist Grant historically became available in November of each year, but with the new alternating schedule will be announced in 2016 and have a July 15, 2016 deadline. The new grant term will increase the total funding to $8,000 with applicants being able to request up to $4,000. It is also anticipated that artists will be able to apply every year if funded rather than every five years. Artist projects must take place between Oct. 1, 2016 and Sept. 30, 2017.
Looking forward
We are very grateful to all of those who shared their thoughts and ideas with us and guided us toward creating the best possible grant experience for our artist members. In addition to funding and date changes, the applications will now be available online at Lansingarts.slideroom.com, for a smoother, more simple, application process. We are very excited about these changes and look forward to receiving this year’s Chris Clark Fellowship applications.
For more information about Arts Council grants, visit our website at www.www.lansingarts.org or contact Program Manager Josh Holliday at josh@www.lansingarts.org, 517-853-7582.