Art in the Sky Billboard Project
Request for Proposals 2014
The Opportunity
The Arts Council of Greater Lansing is a strong believer of art for all and understands the importance of public art in creating “cool cities,” places where people want to live, work and play. It is for this reason that we proudly partner with Adams Outdoor Advertising to help promote and showcase Arts Council Individual Artists through our “Art in the Sky” Billboard Project.
Over the past five years, Adams has helped us showcase the art of 20 tri-county artists, allowing their magnificent work to radiate the Lansing area’s skies, and we are pleased to once again offer this opportunity to our Individual Artist Members. In the past, this opportunity has only been available to our previous and current Fellows and Individual Artist Grantees; however, this year we are excited to extend a formal request for proposals to all our Individual Artist Members.
The Process
Adams will produce 14′ X 48′ vinyl images of six artworks chosen by a jury of peers to be placed on billboards in the Lansing market on a space-available basis.Through Adams’ generosity, and a financial subsidy from the Arts Council, the chosen artist participants pay a $100 fee for their individual billboard. (Billboards are valued at more than $1000.)
The “Art in the Sky” Billboard project is an exclusive Arts Council of Greater Lansing member benefit and is open to current, active (2014) individual visual artist members only. (Dues – $40/year) Note: To ensure diversification and showcase as many local artists as possible, 2012 and 2013 Arts Council billboard recipients are ineligible to reapply until 2015.
The Format
Above is a sample “Art in the Sky” image from previous artist participant, Ingrid Blixt. Additional examples can be seen on the Arts Council’s Billboard page. The 2014 layout will be the same: an image of the artist’s work will appear along with artist name (no business names), medium, the Arts Council logo and the Arts Council website address.
How to Apply
Send your submission via email to dawn@www.lansingarts.org by 5 p.m. on Friday, September 5, 2014. Only one image per artist will be accepted. Submission must include: one (1) high-quality image suitable for billboard display and a 100 word bio/artist statement, including artist name, phone number, email address and medium. NOTE: Submission must follow exact specifications listed below. Late or incomplete submissions or submissions containing more than one image will not be accepted.
Submission Specs
Choose an image that best represents your work as a visual artist and that will best translate to 14′ X 48′ billboard. No self-images, promotional or commercial advertisement images will be considered. Artwork must be suitable for public space and not contain nude or profane images. The Arts Council reserves the right to adjust images to fit billboards if necessary.
Image submission requirements: (For assistance contact Dan Harris at dan@www.lansingarts.org.)
Email one image sized 7″ X 17″
Accepted Files – jpeg, psd, pdf, eps, ai
Resolution – 300 dpi or larger
Color Mode – CMYK
Image conversion and sizing tutorial available here.
Review Criteria
A peer review panel comprised of arts professionals and experts will review submissions and select the top six artworks based on the following criteria:
Quality of artwork submitted
Creativity used in creating image/artwork
Billboard suitability
Clear and understandable image for showcasing the Arts in the Tri-County
The Billboards
Once produced, the billboards are initially installed outside of Ingham county to attract visitors. They are then moved periodically to different locations throughout the tri-counties on an as-available basis. The Arts Council will notify artists of installation dates and locations as soon as we receive the Adams roster. While Adam’s vinyl images are guaranteed to last for one year, some are in rotation up to two years or more. Those that do not show signs of damage or fading are stored and rotated to vacant billboards in the service area as locations become available.
Additional Marketing
Chosen billboards are featured on the Arts Council of Greater Lansing’s website, and on all of our social media channels including Facebook, twitter and Pinterest.
Aug. 1 Art in the Sky Billboard Project Announcement and RFP
Sept. 5 Submission deadline
Sept.10 Convening of Peer Review Panel
Sept. 15 Artists are notified/contracts sent to finalists
Sept. 26 Contracts signed and returned along with submission of $100 fee.
Sept. 30 All Artwork sent to Adams
Nov. 27 Final Approval of finished billboards
First week of Dec. Billboards created/installed (first month, outside of Ingham Co.)
For More Information
Contact Dawn Gorman, communications and events manager at dawn@www.lansingarts.orgor call 517-853-7584.