A Few Words From Debbie
From the Desk of the Executive Director
Positioning the Arts Council for the Next 50 Years

We asked and you responded!
I think the most exciting part of the work at the Arts Council is hearing from our membership about the challenges you face, and your ideas about how the Arts Council can address these challenges and help you succeed. Your responses to our online survey last month are critical to our forward momentum and the board and staff are very appreciative to all of you who took the time to share your thoughts with us.
Over the past couple of weeks, we have had the chance to synthesize the findings and responses, pat ourselves on the back for the compliments, think about how our mission and vision have changed over the years, and now, begin to address the sincere calls for upgrades and changes to our programs and services that will create greater impact on the arts and cultural environment.
As we begin to shape our future, this strategic planning process allows us to determine two things: 1) WHAT our organization intends to accomplish, and 2) HOW we will direct our resources toward accomplishing all that we envision. It is a process that will align the efforts of individual stakeholders (board; staff; financial supporters; business, municipal and community leadership; educators; parents; students; and most of all, our members) toward a commonly shared sense of purpose. As we grow and change to reflect the current state of affairs in the tri-county region, our goals and vision need to reflect the input from many.
Every day, someone asks me, “So, Debbie, how do you like your new position?” and I have to admit that it gives me great pleasure to always, always, always respond that I am loving every minute. Every day is different…every day is challenging…every day new ideas are shared and acted on. The Arts Council has a knowledgeable and talented staff, a committed board, and a strong foundation laid down by my predecessors. As the planning process continues, my promise to you…I will continue to ask questions, I will continue to learn from our members and supporters, I will continue to see opportunities in even the smallest of ideas, I will continue to strengthen our foundation, and most important, I will continue to build relationships with those that can help us achieve our mission.
With your input and support, we are preparing to establish a new vision for our next 50 years. We hope you will join us on this journey to position arts and culture at the forefront of our community!

Deborah E. Mikula
Executive Director