Cool Art Opps You Don’t Want to MissGrants, Call for Artists, Auditions and more
If you haven’t been over to the Arts Council’s Opportunities section on our website, there’s no time like the present, as there are lots of cool things happening over there! Below are a few of the highligts. Check them out then head over to the page!
Keys in the Cities: The Capital Area Blues Society (CABS), a non-profit 501(c)3 organization working to support blues music and music-related culture, art and education within the tri-county area, announces a new project for 2015 for Lansing and East Lansing: Keys in the Cities.
Summer Circle at MSU: Auditions for an actress 40-55 for the role of Eva in The American Plan to be cast from a community member outside of MSU. Eva is Lili’s overbearing and fiercely protective mother in Richard Greenberg’s The American Plan.
Downtown Lansing Inc.’s Creative Place District Transformation Grant Program: The Creative Places program seeks to enhance the vitality and prosperity of traditional commercial districts and neighborhoods to help boost economic activity, create jobs and attract new investment.
See what else is happening over on our Opportunities page!