The Arts Council of Greater Lansing offers members* the opportunity to showcase artwork in the contemporary setting at 1208 Turner Street. Exhibits run for one month (as assigned by Arts Council). The Arts Council makes calls for two rounds of artist submissions per year. Round One: January – June and Round Two: June – December.
We invite members to join the growing list of artists who have shown their work on our exhibit wall. Applications are now open for our 2019 Arts Council Round-One exhibitions. Exhibition space is available for the months of January through June. All disciplines are encouraged to apply.
–Opportunity includes an artist-hosted opening reception held at the Arts Council (artists are responsible for providing light refreshments). Receptions are typically held on Fridays (some are on Arts Night Out).
–Chosen artists deliver and install their own work, using the Arts Council’s Walker Display system, which runs approximately 20 feet and holds up to 300 pounds of weight in total (50 pounds per hanging mechanism).
–Artists are encouraged to contact media, invite friends and family and promote their exhibition on social media platforms.
–The Arts Council provides marketing, support and exhibit consultations to exhibiting artists.
Stop by the Arts Council M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. to view the space and see if it will accommodate your work.
Get all the details and submit your application today! Deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m., Monday, Nov. 19, 2018
*You must be a dues-paying Arts Council Member to apply. Become a member or renew today!