Love of the Arts, Mickey and Minnie and a Little Theatre to Boot
Gotta Love Our Interns!
We love playing a part in growing the arts and that is especially true within the walls of our Old Town office! Bringing in new interns each semester is always an exciting time at the Arts Council as we look forward to having not only extra help but to adding new ideas and personalities to our staff, even if it’s only for a short while.

Hello, Matt!
Matt Caudell comes to us from Lansing Community College, where he is working on a degree in graphic design. Lansing born, Matt grew up in Perry, Michigan, and his love of art goes back to his childhood. “One of my earliest and fondest memories is of my grandpa drawing a poster of Mickey and Minnie Mouse,” he says. “That poster continues to hang in my childhood home today.”
It is that love of creating that spurred Matt’s interest in interning at the Arts Council, and we are so glad to have him on board. With his graphic design skills, Matt is busy collaborating with other staff members to design marketing materials for our organization. We also have him working on our website and a few other projects.
One of the things we love about Matt is his versatility. He has so many interests, including cooking, baking, watching random videos on YouTube and reading. He also really likes experimenting with and creating things in Adobe Creative Suite, which keeps him at the head of his game.
We can’t help but be interested in how interesting he is. Our favorite Matt factoid is this quirky little bit in Matt’s own words: “I love shutting my mind off by watching The Real Housewives of … (whatever city is playing)!”

Herrrre’s Marcus!
Marcus Fields is a student at Michigan State University’s Residential College in the Arts and Humanities and is focusing on arts and cultural management. “I was drawn to the Arts Council because I wanted to help the state of arts education in Lansing,” Marcus says.
Marcus hails from Leslie, Michigan, He holds a special affinity for Washington D.C., especially the Smithsonian Castle. “I love the culture and history that’s hidden inside of it,” he says. Marcus loves D.C. so much that he hopes to move there some day. Of course we love this about Marcus because Americans for the Arts is in D.C., and we LOVE Americans for the Arts. We hope Marcus knows that we will all be coming to D.C. in the future, and will plan on staying at his place.
A strong supporter of the performing arts, in his free time, Marcus acts and directs with a small theatre troupe at MSU. He is interning with us as a program assistant and is focusing on our Young Creatives Program Guide during the summer.
Marcus also enjoys improv, going to the movies and going to see musicals. While we haven’t met him yet, Marcus has a twin brother that also goes to MSU and is interested in arts management. We will probably get him to intern next semester so we don’t miss Marcus as much.
Join our team
As luck would have it, we have lots of other great projects coming up in the fall, and we are looking for some great interns to join us. Please take a look at our intern guidelines and submit your materials if you think you’d be a good fit! We can’t wait to hear from you!