
Arts Council of Greater Lansing Receives $7,500 in Funds

Arts Council of Greater Lansing Receives $7,500 in Funds  

Capital Region Community Foundation Supports Council’s Mobile App for the Arts Proposal  

The Arts Council is proud to announce that they are the recent recipients of a $7,500 grant from the Capital Region Community Foundation. The Arts Council submitted a proposal for its Art Promotion through New Technologies and Traditional Media project in May of this year, and were pleased to be among those who received funding. 

Partnering with Michigan State University, City of East Lansing and the Greater Lansing Michigan Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Arts Council has embarked on a year-long project to develop a user-friendly, free mobile app that residents and visitors can use to find and identify public art and art galleries anywhere in the tri-county area. 

“The goal of the project is to bring together art and technology in an effort to promote economic development and visitor attraction that focuses on the arts in our region,” says Executive Director Debbie Mikula. “Creating this application allows us to partner with other agencies in the area to support the arts and raise awareness about our arts and cultural community, which is what community building is all about.”

 The grant period for the funding runs from June 2014 through June 2015 and the Arts Council has already reached out to their stakeholders and partners and begun the planning process for this exciting endeavor. 

“This project aligns perfectly with the larger placemaking efforts that are currently happening in Lansing,” says Mikula. “We are extremely grateful for the financial support the Capital Region Community Foundation has provided to us for this project.”                                                                                 


Founded in 1965, the Arts Council of Greater Lansing is a non-profit organization whose mission is to lead, advocate for, and advance arts and culture in the capital region. For more information, visit